Residential Treatment
Residential treatment is an intensive form of care in a residential setting, designed for individuals who require a high level of care and supervision. It is commonly used to treat mental health disorders, addictions, or severe behavioral issues, providing continuous therapeutic support and a safe environment for stabilization and life skills acquisition.

Our residential care is distinguished by offering a comprehensive and personalized program for addiction rehabilitation. The treatment includes a thorough evaluation and a plan that encompasses addiction counseling, individual psychological therapy, and the practice of the 12-step program. Additionally, we offer recreational therapies such as meditation and exercise.
Daily group therapies address crucial topics such as self-esteem, resilience, problem-solving, relapse prevention, communication skills, and family reintegration. Individual activities include psychological therapy, addiction counseling, and personalized tasks to reinforce ethical and moral values.
Misión Zoe also offers physical and recreational activities such as a gym, soccer, basketball, ping-pong, movie reflection sessions, and chess.
The levels of intervention range from managing symptoms and specific situations to resolving interpersonal and family conflicts, providing a comprehensive and continuously supportive approach for recovery and social reintegration.