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Rehabilitation Center
in Ensenada B.C.

Your recovery can start today


 We are a rehabilitation center in Ensenada specialized in the multidisciplinary treatment of people with substance dependence disorders and addictive behaviors, such as pathological gambling.

 Learn more about the treatment   rehabilitation here


We are an institution certified by

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What  service do we offer?


Residential addiction treatment.

Residential rehab is an intensive form of drug and alcohol addiction treatment that follows the detoxification phase. The treatment we offer usually lasts from 4 to 6 months, depending on the needs of each patient.



I am very grateful to God for having arrived at Misión Zoé since they have supported me at all times along with my family. Today I am over a year sober and I can honestly tell you that I am very happy.

Robert C.


Until now I am still sober, I have been sober for more than two years now, thanks to God, my family and Mission Zoé for this opportunity I had to experience true and authentic happiness. 

Louis ADLR


Living sober is the best thing that has ever happened to me!  Thanks to Misión Zoé because they really gave me all the love, support and understanding to understand my illness.

Joseph K.

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I thank Misión Zoé for their work and for everything they did for me, also for all those excellent sessions they gave me in the areas of psychology, counseling and spirituality, infinite thanks.

Jesus PG

 Why choose us? 

Personalized Treatment

Each treatment is personalized, the problems and needs of each user are worked on according to the characteristics of the individual.


We are a certified institution endorsed by the National Commission Against Addictions (CONADIC).

Multidisciplinary team

Team of specialists like

 Certified psychologists, psychotherapists and addiction counselors.

Addiction Specialists

Our staff has years of experience in the field. They are professionals with a vocation.

Payment options

All credit cards are accepted with the option to pay monthly, online and for 12 months without interest.


Ave. Nestor Olivas 130, Ex Ejido Chapultepec, Ensenada Baja California, Mexico.

“Addiction should never be treated as a crime. It should be approached as a health problem"

-Ralph Nader-

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