How is the treatment at Misión Zoé?
At Misión Zoé we carry out a first psychological and counseling evaluation to subsequently design a therapeutic treatment with objectives tailored to each patient, while accompanying the user to learn to live within a recovery program.

Components of residential rehabilitation
Personalized and comprehensive program and treatment in addiction rehabilitation.
Comprehensive evaluation and treatment planning.
Addiction counseling plan.
Individual psychological therapy once or more times a week.
Practice of the 12-step program of Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous.
Recreational therapy, such as meditation and exercise.

Daily group therapy with topics such as:
Substance abuse.
Introduction to the 12-step program.
Self-esteem, Resilience.
Problem resolution.
Family patterns.
Relapse prevention.
Social reintegration.
Communication skills.
Control of emotions.
Cognitive distortions.
emotional intelligence
Family reintegration.
Character flaws.
Group activities
Morning Reflection.
Assistance to Alcoholics Anonymous and/or Narcotics Anonymous groups.
Therapeutic and/or addiction counseling sessions.
Reading workshop of the 12 steps.
Adequate feeding (3 times a day).
Learn to maintain a balance between activities and rest.
Exercise in the gym 5 days a week.

Individual Activities
Psychological therapy.
Individual addiction counseling.
Personalized psychology and/or counseling tasks.
Economic administrative plan.
Learn/reinforce their ethical and moral values.
Learn/reinforce respect for oneself and those around him.

Intervention Levels
maladaptive cognitions.
Interpersonal conflicts.
Family problems.
Intrapersonal conflicts.

Physical and recreational activities
Ping Pong.
Cinema reflection.
Treatment phases
How long does the treatment last?
Treatment usually lasts 4 to 6 months, depending on the needs of each patient. Patients must remain in the camp for the entire program. Although there is no single treatment, rehabilitation of patients in residential rehabilitation centers is one of the most effective forms of addiction care.
We are an institution certified by

Why choose us?
Personalized Treatment
Each treatment is personalized, working with the problems and needs of each individual according to their own characteristics.
We are a certified institution endorsed by the National Commission Against Addictions (CONADIC).
Multidisciplinary team
Team of specialists like
Certified psychologists, psychotherapists and addiction counselors.
Addiction Specialists
Our staff has years of experience in the field. They are professionals with a vocation.
Payment options

All credit cards are accepted with the option to pay monthly, online and for 12 months without interest.
Ave. Nestor Olivas 130, Former Ejido Chapultepec, Ensenada Baja California, Mexico.
“Addiction should never be treated as a crime. It should be approached as a health problem"
-Ralph Nader-